As educators, we face a multitude of challenges, including high workloads, time constraints, responding to difficult behaviours in the classroom, meeting the diverse needs of students, fostering student independence, and meeting academic standards, to name a few. In this context, teaching restoratively in the classroom has never been more crucial. This series of training provides a wealth of research-informed and tried-and-tested ideas to support you in overcoming these challenges.
We are wired to connect and the relationships we establish with our students in the classroom serve as the foundation for effective teaching. Our classrooms are communities, and how we treat each other within this community is of utmost importance. By adopting a restorative approach in the classroom, educators can create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages personal and academic growth. Reassessing your approaches to developing student skills can bring not only benefits to your students but also improved well-being and job satisfaction for yourself. Join our "Teaching Restoratively" Masterclasses to learn how to take ownership of your classroom, your time and create an environment where everyone thrives.
Teach Restoratively in the Classroom
Growth Mindset and Metacognition in the Classroom
Supporting all Learners Through Research-backed Strategies
Feedback that Motivates and Improves Progress
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All Masterclasses cost £125 per school with up to 5 staff members able to attend.
Are you ready to:
By embracing restorative teaching, you'll help your students reach their full potential, build strong relationships, and foster emotional regulation. Discover the power of restorative teaching and the positive impact it can have on your students' lives.
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Ready to ignite your students' potential? Want to:
Set your students on a path to success with this session on Growth Mindset and Metacognition - Join us for a transformative learning experience. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your teaching and empower your students.
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Unleash Student Success with Research-Backed T&L Strategies!
Join us in exploring the Science of Learning and see how incorporating evidence-based practices can improve the quality of T&L in your classroom. Embrace the power of research-backed methods and make a lasting impact on your students' futures.
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Empower student success. Enhance feedback, ignite growth!
Join us to find out how your approaches to feedback can empower students, boost motivation, and develop skills like self-regulation and metacognition. Discover the power of feedback for lifelong learning.
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By educating our students about their brains and how it affects their behaviour, we give them the power to understand and manage their emotions. Children as young as three are able, with support and guidance, to recognise and name emotions with practice! As educators, we have seen first-hand the amazing effects of teaching restoratively in the classroom. For us, classroom teaching is not just about promoting academic success, but also about building strong relationships, fostering emotional regulation, and promoting overall well-being. We want our students to both know more and be taught the best of what has been said, whilst also providing them with important tools needed to be able to reflect critically on the content of their learning. This combination provides them with a balanced approach to their education which will set them up for future successes. These skills are valuable not just in academic settings but in personal and professional life as well, helping students become well-rounded, self-aware, confident, and responsible individuals. Restorative teaching benefits the teacher-student relationship, as it provides techniques for interactions that minimise conflicts and reactive responses. By simply changing the language we use as professionals and seeing behaviour differently, we can make a difference to the classroom experience for all. The end result is a warm, supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel heard, valued, and capable of reaching their full potential. Embrace restorative teaching and see the transformation it brings to your classroom.
Establishing restorative approaches in the classroom has several benefits, including:
· Establishing Improved relationships and communication
· Enhanced emotional regulation.
· Reduced conflicts.
· Fostered growth and well-being.
· Supportive and inclusive learning environment
Lockdown period presented numerous challenges for students, yet it also provided a valuable opportunity to uncover those with a growth mindset and the necessary metacognitive skills to conquer any obstacles to their learning. These skills and states of being are taught, they are not inherited. As educators this provides us with a unique opportunity to learn from this. At any age we can support our students’ metacognition and develop their growth mindset and nurturing this in young learners, is arguably the best place to start. We get a second chance in the teenage years, when the remodelling of the teenage brain occurs.
Having a growth mindset means believing that you can get better and smarter through hard work and learning, which leads to greater success and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Metacognition is the awareness and regulation of one's own thinking processes, leading to improved learning and problem-solving. Both emphasise the value of effort and perseverance, and the explicit teaching of them help students view obstacles as opportunities for growth. I have seen first-hand the transformative power of teaching students about both can have. By encouraging students to reflect on their own learning, they become more self-aware and better equipped to make meaningful improvements. By incorporating metacognition and growth mindset principles into your teaching, you have the power to shape the way your students approach challenges and view their own abilities, whilst simultaneously gifting them the tools to tackle life's challenges with confidence and determination in their future.
So why not give it a try and experience the transformative impact it can have on your students' learning and growth?
Establishing a growth mindset and metacognitive strategies in the classroom has several benefits, including:
· Encouraging personal growth and academic success.
· Fostering a positive attitude towards learning and challenges.
· Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
· Supporting student ownership and autonomy in the learning process.
· Enhancing student self-awareness and reflection.
Learning is a life-long endeavour and as educators we should model what we teach. As a leader and teacher, I experienced the power of using research-based teaching and learning methods in the classroom. Adopting research-based methods allowed me to stay current with educational advancements and to continually to review and improve my teaching practices. The Science of Learning is a field of study that focuses on how people of all ages acquire, process, and retain information and skills. Incorporating the Science of Learning into your teaching, whether that be Early Years, KS1 or KS5, it can lead to more successful student outcomes, greater student engagement, and a more positive and effective educational experience for both you and your students. By embracing research-backed methods in the classroom, you can make a profound and lasting impact on your students' learning experiences, shaping their futures, and setting them on the path to success.
Using research-informed T&L strategies to support all learners in the classroom has several benefits, including:
· Improving student outcomes and academic success.
· Meeting the diverse needs of all learners.
· Encouraging active engagement and participation.
· Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
· Promoting teacher engagement with evidence-based practice in the classroom.
Feedback is a gift! When done well, feedback can serve as a guide, helping us to redirect our efforts and stay on track towards our learning goals. One size, however, certainly does not fit all. I have personally experienced the positive impact that well-structured, timely and constructive feedback can have on my performance. On the other hand, I have also felt the detrimental effects of poorly delivered or inappropriate feedback. Based on this, I realised my students have likely felt both of these feelings too, which led me to research the best ways of providing this feedback at different developmental stages. Reflecting on the current approaches you take to feedback, are you utilising it as a collaborative tool for growth with your students or is it simply a means of gathering evidence? From early years through to secondary, as educators it’s important we consider the impact our feedback can have and the responsibility we have to make it a positive experience for all. Feedback is a gift that can guide our students towards their learning goals. By providing well-timed and actionable feedback, we can help students recognise their strengths, increase motivation, and build resilience. By empowering them to take ownership of their learning, tailoring instruction to their needs and ensuring our approaches are age-appropriate to their developmental stage, we can set them up for success and foster a lifelong love of learning, whilst providing us with a window into their understanding.
Implementing feedback strategies that motivate and improve progress is an effective approach because it:
· Promotes student motivation and engagement.
· Encourages continuous learning and improvement.
· Supports the development of self-regulation and metacognitive skills.
· Fosters a growth mindset and a positive attitude towards feedback.
· Enhances the teacher-student relationship and promotes trust.
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